Conduct Examination
- Conduct examination based on Outcome Based Education: Map each question to course outcome and BT Level (Bloom’s Taxonomy).
- Display student seating arrangement (personalised or general).
- Manage invigilator’s duty and scheduling.
- Record and manage examination attendance.
- Manage questions and examination paper repository- course and programme-wise.
- Automate existing offline examination workflow (answer key, etc).
- Continuous classroom assessment via faculty grade book.
- Calculate and Publish Grades/GPA/CGPA
- Compute final score on the examination conducted and Publish
- Manage re-evaluation/re-examination process (paid/unpaid)
Pre-Examination Management
- Student mapping to a particular course- program.
- Display examination infrastructure, venue and seating arrangement.
- Manage student eligibility w.r.t attendance, fees and internals.
- Design examination form with approvals.
- Design and manage examination schema at the department and course level.
- Pay examination fees (+late fees) online and generate a receipt.
Examination Schedule
- Design and manage examination scheduling for different programs.
- Generate Hall Ticket for the eligible students for different exam types.
- Student to receive notification over SMS, Email & In App.
- Get student schedular customised report based on roll number, alphabetic list & seating arrangement with attendance and other relevant details.
- Download event reports for compliance, ranking and accreditations.